Oodle is a publisher's best partner for classifieds.

Be a part of the largest and fastest growing classifieds network. Drive more leads to your local advertisers and engage your audience.

Oodle API
Get more listings with the Oodle API
  • Tons of content. Easily add Oodle Marketplace to your search results or existing classifieds offering.
  • Additional revenue. Increase revenues through additional ad inventory and a share of revenues from the referrals you generate.
  • Expand your offerings. Launch into locations you don’t currently cover, or add additional verticals to complement your own.
  • Learn more about the Oodle API

Oodle Marketplace
Get a full-branded custom Oodle Marketplace
  • Provide the best classifieds experience to your users. Get tons of listings for your buyers so they'll find what they're looking for. Provide great reach for your sellers by distributing listings across 200 sites in the Oodle network. Oodle’s "clean, well-lit" classifieds environment benefits your users, and comes with pricing and inventory information, advanced moderation tools and automated filtering of user-generated content.
  • Generate revenue from day one. Oodle’s open auction-based advertising model generates the most revenue from listings (and is much more effective than managing individual channels). Oodle’s marketplace generates highly targeted inventory for display advertising, provides a brand new advertising base with a new audience, and is very easy to bundle into existing sales packages.
  • We do the work for you. Our engineers will customize your very own classifieds marketplace, with complete implementation and custom reporting.
  • Learn more about the Oodle Marketplace